Recently I need a USB sniffer. Searching on the web I found the work of Nicolas Boichat. It's based on the Beagleboard hardware. I own a Beaglebone instead, so I decided to port his work on it.
If you want to try the result of my work here are the links for the compiled kernel and a for debian based rootfs:
- username: debian
- password: temppwd
To try usb sniffing, log in the system as debian user, plug in a device to the beaglebone usb connector and then do the following:
sudo ./scripts/sniffThe script will show the list of the available usb devices; select one of them and the usb sniffing will start. The usb traffic will logged in the file /run/shm/dump. You can later open it with wireshark to examine in details.
If you want to examine the linux kernel sources, you can find on my github repository:
1 commento:
Hello, thank you for this. I need this for my project but i dont know how to install it.I have mounted the rootfs on sd card and i think this is ok but i dont know what is the second file and how to install them.
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